OnePlus 3T vs. Pixel Camera Low-Light Comparison!


In this smartphone comparison, we take up the latest OnePlus 3T vs. Pixel XL in a camera low-light shootout.   While the OnePlus 3T performed worse in HDR mode in comparison to the Pixel (also in HDR On mode), its HQ (special mode for low-light) performed beautifully.  In fact, OnePlus 3T outperformed the Pixel XL in terms of amount of noise.  While we will have to dig further for full analysis, the OnePlus 3T impresses with its HQ mode that could help you take better photos with less noise at night.

UPDATE: Check out the updated comparison by CLICKING HERE.

You can also download the original photos here.  Do let us know what you think happened here in the comment box below, thanks!

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Max Lee

Max Lee is the founder of Max makes Android tutorials and review videos for people who want to get high on Android over at his YouTube channel and Korean YouTube channel.