
Welcome to HighOnAndroid.com!

This site is dedicated to the “fun side” of Android and being “high on Android”.

We feel there’s too many sites that don’t give a fair review of Android and how far it has come. Our goal is to spread the power of knowledge and why you should get high on Android instead of buying inferior products at over-marketed prices.

We highly value your opinions so don’t forget to leave comments on our blog posts!


Best, Max Lee, founder of HighOnAndroid.com.

Directors & Authors

Ahmad Malik is a director of videography at HighOnAndroid.com, he brings a lot of experience from NYC area.  Ahmad is in charge of videography and directing of scripts/voice overs/filming.

Albert Torres is a tech reviewer who is focused on apps, he does a lot of review videos also on his YouTube channel and contributes articles at HighOnAndroid.com.

Jacklyn is a technology journalist and filmmaker, who brings a fresh and unique understanding of the youth, female, and professional market to all of her reviews. Jacklyn is an editorial contributor and writer on HighOnAndroid.com.