Why Fanboys Are Fanboys!

In this edition of High On Android show, we explore the question, "why fanboys are fanboys" and why we cannot…

Do You REALLY Need a Tablet? – High On Android Show Episode 8!

In this episode of High On Android show, we look at "why" people need tablets. And a question for you,…

New iPad 3rd gen vs. Galaxy Tab 10.1!

If you have been wondering if New iPad is "magical", you might want to take a look at this video…

New iPad Heating Test!

If you are thinking about getting the New iPad, you might want to think twice as recent reports by Consumer…

DSLR Controller App for Android Tablet – DSLR App of The Year!

Do you own a Canon DSLR camera? Do you do a lot of off-site shoots? If so, you might want…

New iPad vs. Transformer Prime! [iOS vs. Android ICS]

You probably wonder what the fuss is all about, "why do people go crazy over iPads?"  Well, it's probably safe…

New iPad 3rd Generation Unboxing!

Out of curiosity, I decided to pre-order the "New" iPad 3rd generation last week. Here's me unboxing the new iPad,…

Why You Should Choose Android Over iPhone/iOS!

Here's why Android is better than iPhone/iOS!

Barometer HD App for Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Note! [App of the Week]

Want a barometer on your Android smartphone? You can if you own a Galaxy Nexus or a Galaxy Note, both…

Chrome Browser for Android!

Chrome Browser app for Android has been officially released on phones with Ice Cream Sandwich. I got to try the…