Pixel XL vs. Galaxy S7 Edge! [Specs War]

Here’s a quick run down of specs comparison between the new Google Pixel XL smartphone vs. Galaxy S7 Edge.

First, they both have 5.5-inch AMOLED screens with identical 534 PPI.

Second, Pixel XL has a F2.0 12.3MP 1.55 microns while S7 Edge has vs. F1.7 12MP 1.4 microns back camera.  Performance should be nearly same and Pixel XL may excel more at low-light due to its larger sensor and HDR+ technology.

For front camera, XL has F2.0 8MP 1.4 microns sensor vs. S7 Edge’s F1.7 1.4 microns.  Front camera performance should be better on S7 Edge based on specs alone but further testing is needed to verify which one is actually better.

Third, both phones have pretty big batteries, 3450mAh battery on Pixel XL vs. 3600mAh battery on S7 Edge.

Fourth, the Pixel XL is slightly heavier at 168grams vs. 157grams for S7 Edge.

Fifth, fast charging is supported on both smartphones while Pixel XL has USB Type C vs. S7 Edge’s older Type B.

Sixth, performance should be much faster on Pixel XL since it is the first flagship smartphone with the latest Snapdragon 821 processor vs. S7 Edge’s 820.

Seventh, Pixel XL has no microSD card slot while S7 Edge does.  But, Pixel XL offers free, unlimited free storage of your photos and even 4K videos at original resolution at Google’s cloud servers using Google Photo app.  This is huge bonus for those of you who are constantly on good internet connection.

Eighth, Pixel XL is only rated for IP53, which means no water near it while S7 Edge has IP68 rating, fully immersible in water for many hours (based on my testing).

Ninth, speakers are not a big feature of Pixel XL this year so you shouldn’t except exceptional sound out of them like previous Nexus phones.

Tenth, Gear VR is an established virtual reality platform while Google’s Daydream is just starting.  But Google Daydream comes with a 3D-sensor controller that adds a whole new level of experience to VR.  While Google Daydream will take a bit longer to flourish, it only costs $79 (vs $69 for Gear VR for S7 Edge right now at BestBuy) so it may be a great way to get started on VR.

Overall, both Pixel XL and Galaxy S7 Edge have its own advantages and disadvantages so our suggestion is to find which phone is better for you first before purchasing them.

Max Lee: Max Lee is the founder of HighOnAndroid.com. Max makes Android tutorials and review videos for people who want to get high on Android over at his <a href="http://youtube.com/user/zedomax">YouTube channel and <a href="http://youtube.com/c/highonandroidkorean">Korean YouTube channel.</a>
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