LG V40 vs. Galaxy S10 4K Camera Video Comparison!

In this comparison, we compare the LG V40 and Galaxy S10 4K video cameras in regular, telephoto, and wide-angle. Which one do you like more?

Personally, I feel the Galaxy S10 over-sharpens while the V40 feels a bit soft. I guess you can’t have the best of both worlds yet. Stabilization seems pretty good on both(nothing to complain) and audio is somewhat better on LG V40. While S10 does a great job of filtering wind, it sounds like someone talking inside a can.

Max Lee: Max Lee is the founder of HighOnAndroid.com. Max makes Android tutorials and review videos for people who want to get high on Android over at his <a href="http://youtube.com/user/zedomax">YouTube channel and <a href="http://youtube.com/c/highonandroidkorean">Korean YouTube channel.</a>
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